Bootiful Spring Boot 3.x

Unser nächster Vortrag von Josh Long geht um das Thema Bootiful Spring Boot 3.x.

Sprecher: Josh Long Sprache: Englisch Firma: Broadcom


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Termin und Ablauf

Der Vortrag findet am 23.10.2024 um 18:30 Uhr, bei LivePerson, Loksite, Glücksteinallee 69, 68163 Mannheim, statt.


Spring Boot 3.x and Java 21 are here, and there’s never been a better time to be a Java developer! In this talk we’ll look at the incredible opportunities that lay ahead for the Spring Boot developer, and especially those using Java 21 and later. Spring Boot continues to offer the most sophisticated and robust ecosystem of integrations - supporting AI, modularity, easy data access, and so much more. And, it offers cutting edge support for production-centric optimizations like Project Loom’s virtual threads, GraalVM, and more. Join me Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman) and we’ll explore next-gen Spring together.


Josh (@starbuxman) has been the first Spring Developer Advocate since 2010. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 7 books (including “Reactive Spring”) and numerous best-selling video training (including “Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons” with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Axon, Spring Cloud, Activiti, Vaadin, etc), a Youtuber (Coffee + Software with Josh Long as well as my Spring Tips series ), and a podcaster (“A Bootiful Podcast”).

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