Lean Microservices using OSGi
10 Aug 2016Language
The talk will be given in German.
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Der Vortrag findet am 10.08.2016 um 19:00 Uhr in der Uni Mannheim A5, 6 im Raum C014 statt (Anfahrtsbeschreibung).
Microservices and their frameworks like spring boot allow to start fast but can easily produce ugly monoliths again. OSGi on the other hand provides great modularity but is regarded as more complex than spring boot and alike. This Talk shows how to create lean and modular microservices using OSGi, maven and bndtools. The build result is a runnable jar or docker image and nicely fits microservice deployments. See how OSGi allows the flexibility to deploy each microservice on its own and let them communicate over (REST) remote calls or deploy them together and talk using OSGi services locally using the same business code bundles.
Christian Schneider is an Open Source Architect at Talend. He was the responsible architect for the Services Oriented Architecture of EnBW Trading GmbH (Trading floor of one of Germany’s largest utility companies). He specializes in OSGi and practical integration solutions. He was a a regular speaker at several Java conferences in Germany like JAX. W-JAX and at Apachecon.